Materials: acrylic paint, cut paper, canvas
HOW IT WORKS: I’ll create an original portrait of your companion animals…cats, dogs, goats, chickens, etc. in cut paper and acrylic paint. I like to incorporate personal materials that will mean a lot to you. That means kid’s art, report cards, favorite maps, trip info, photos, menus, candy wrappers….I will use those materials and work into the whole composition to make the portrait valuable to you and your family on many levels.
I can use a variety of photos to capture the essence of your companions. I appreciate stories that help me understand your family dynamic.
Size range varies because the collages will have irregular edges. Price range 900 plus, depending on size and number of animals. I also work at a custom frame shop and can help with selection of framing if you desire to finish the collage off with conservation materials and attractive presentation.
Email me for more information: